Reddit ssd guide
Reddit ssd guide

reddit ssd guide

I have a 1tb Samsung 860 EVO SSD for the current project files and source media I'm working on. Having your media cache and scratch disk set to their own dedicated drive really helps to speed up your workflow. I could have a larger SSD here if needed but as I delete cache files regularly, it never even comes close to filling up. This is where I assign my Premiere Pro media cache and scratch disk.

reddit ssd guide

Next up I have a 256 GB Samsung 850 PRO SSD. This is the fastest drive I have installed. I have my OS and all of my editing applications on a 256 GB Samsung NVMe M.2 drive. Ideally, you want to have the fastest drives possible for your operating systems, media cache and scratch disk. I'm using a Windows workstation and so I'm able to have multiple internal hard drives. This kind of setup will also work for DaVinci Resolve. I'm just going to go through the best way I've found to optimise your hard-drives for Premiere Pro.

Reddit ssd guide